Art in the School: Making the Invisible Visible

Raquel Arevalo, La Farga Infantil, and Bea Rey, La Vall, have joined the Global Forum on Girls' Education® III Virtual Program

Raquel Arevalo, Art Educator in La Farga Infantil and Project manager Artencurs-Institució and Bea Rey, Art Educator in La Vall , have joined the program this year. They have talked about Art in the School: Making the Invisible Visible

Nearly 100 educators, researchers, authors, and advocates for girls and young women from all over the world have shared their insights, expertise, and advice in these dynamic and engaging Breakout, INSPIRE!, and Global Action Research Collaborative (GARC) sessions

This forum is organized by the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS), the leading advocate for single-sex schools for girls, collaborating globally with schools and organizations dedicated to educating and empowering girls, partners with EASSE.


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